Not one NT writer either saw or heard Jesus.
Paul, the earliest, died in 64 CE. He received his "information" through visions.
The writers of the Gospels are unknown. The earliest, attributed to Mark, is not claimed to be by a Disciple. It was written about 40 years after Jesus lived.
The anonymous Gospel attributed to Matthew was written about 15 years after "Mark". By then, the Jerusalem Jews had been defeated and dispersed. "Matthew" might have been written in Alexandria or in Syria.
"Luke", also not a Disciple, evolved up to as late as 120 CE, along with Acts (a recognised fiction).
"John" was created by the Johannine Community late in the 1st century, following its expulsion from the synagogue over their High Christology.
1 Peter was written by a follower of Paul late in the 1st century.
2 Peter was composed in the middle of the 2nd century.